Send to Print button broken in Preform 1.9.1?


Tonight I updated Preform to 1.9.1 and the Send to Print button is not doing anything. Is anybody else seeing this problem?

I’m wondering if this is a Windows 10 compatibility issue. I’m going to regress the the previous version of Preform for now. If it still doesn’t work, I’ll try another computer that still has Windows 7.


Oh, duh! Turns out the USB plug got disconnected. Plugged it back in, rebooted, and all is good again. :blush:

Shouldn’t the software be able to detect that though?


Normally it says that the usb (printer) is not connected. But what I’ve noticed is that, after you’ve completed a print, you cannot immediately start printing the same (or another) print. You have to take out the USB and plug it back in. Otherwise the ‘send to printer button’ won’t do anything. That or restart Preform.

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If this happens again, I’ll keep the unplug/replug USB tip in mind though. Thanks!


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