Rough, failing supports

I had a number of prints failing with flexible resin on my Form 1+. This is strange as previously I was getting good prints with it. Prints always either failed to adhere or reached a certain layer in supports then failed leaving lots of cured resin at bottom of tank. After 4 attempts I gave up.

I then switched to clear resin, for a different part and it worked fine. I then switched to black resin for a different part yet again, and this printed but I noticed there is something wrong with the supports. They are very rough above a certain layer level. Attached pictures below. Flexible resin was failing where this roughness starts approximately, so wondering if the issues are related, as those prints were failing above the same level.

Any thoughts?


Some things to check:

  • tank PDMS for any clouding / smudges on bottom window
  • main mirror for dust or smuges

If those look fine, you might need to open a ticket and get details for cleaning your other optical components.

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Hi Christpoher

Thanks for reply. All three prints were made with different tanks and PDMS seem healthy on all so I don’t think that’s the issue.

I initially thought it was mirrors but it seems to be intermittent, I just printed out a resin comb whose supports came out normally this time. also if it were optics wouldn’t it be more consistent throughout the entire part? I still checked mirror with LED and whilst there is some dust, there isn’t enough to warrant cleaning or cause these issues.

Not trying to shoot down your valuable suggestions, just trying to narrow down the problem :smile: Most prints seem to work fine, but would really like to get the flexible resin working again.

No, dust won’t cause any consistency. Just where it interferes with the light path.

How would you quantify the amount of dust to determine it “isn’t enough to warrant cleaning or cause these issues?”

And, “some dust” is too much. Any dust is too much. And flexible may be more sensitive than other resins.

Why not invest the time to eliminate the most common cause?

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What @Rob_Steinberg said is good advice. Another thing to consider is the age of the resin. The stuff does have a shelf life, and maybe it’s simply getting older. If it sits in the tank when not being used I think it ‘spoils’ quicker than if sealed in the bottle. Of course you’re stirring it up really, really god before prints, and gently scraping the bottom clean during the stirring process, right?

Thanks all for further comments, all appreciated.

I am going to order some Pec Pads online and when they arrive open support ticket so will have all materials to hand. worth a try as @Rob_Steinberg mentioned. I have been using a manual air blaster to blow dust off when it builds up too much as there are no smears on mirror.

Stirring mixing and scraping should not be the issue, as I am quite obsessive with that (May aswell call me Stir Mix-a-lot), I do that before every print and shake bottles for a full minute before pouring.

Resin age is less than 6 months old for the flexible resin. Both black and flexible tanks has been through less than a litre of resin so far, but as I previously mentioned, PDMS on both are in good state.

Whilst waiting for mirror cleaning supplies, are they any further suggestions worth trying? Could this be related to a platform height issue? Or possibly a software defect?

Thanks again.

I suggest opening the support ticket while waiting for the pec-pads.

It looks like the supports get all weird at a specific spot. If I am not mistaken, this is where the peel process changes over.

I am willing to speculate that if you print those butterflies (FL will most likely ask you to print them anyway) you will have the same defects in the supports on all of the models.


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Thanks David

Could you explain what you mean by the peeling process changing over? Can’t seem to find anything on the forum.

James, echoing David’s suggestion I would recommend you open a support ticket with our team. We can help lock down the cause of the issue and resolve it as quickly as possibly for you.


I doubt you will find anything in the forum. I don’t believe it has been discussed in depth:

Look at your model and any support trees you happen to have laying around. You will notice a slight to more pronounced hip on your supports. It should be at approximately .1" It will vary in thickness. I am not exactly sure why but I think it has to do with the model size.

Something changes in how the printer forms the supports / part. This hip will show up ( it has for me) regardless if you print directly on the build platform or use supports. My understanding it is there to assist with adhesion to the build platform and to create strong supports.

Your support problems start at what looks like the right spot.

The above is coordinated with:

When the printer starts printing, you get compression and extra exposure to cure the resin. The peel process is what used to be all the machine did. The vat dropped at a specific rate, the Z axis raised by X and the vat returned to the home position. This used to continue through-out the entire build.
I do not remember the version when it changed but after a number of layers, the peel process begins to change. You will start to notice the Z axis pushing down into the vat as it drops. This motion reduces the peeling forces and assists with better more consistent prints. For a few layers (depends on resolution you are printing in) the Z down movement will increase incrementally until the printer hits the normal build rate of: Vat drops at rate while Z moves down at a specific rate and distance. Z moves to new layer height, the Vat returns home and the next layer begins.

I hope that helps

Jory, Can FL officially elaborate or at least correct anything I may happen to be off with. :slight_smile:


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