Firmware will not update

I am trying to ensure my printer firmware is current, but I am unable to do an update. PreForm insists a second instance is running, which it is not, and won’t run the update. Here is a screenshot:

I have rebooted, uninstalled and reinstalled PreForm, all to no avail. The printer goes in to upgrade mode, the upgrade downloads, but then I get this error. I know no way around it at this point.

Any suggestions? Is this an issue in 1.9.0?

I got the Orientation problem in 1.9.0.

Was hoping to get a response from FormLabs here, should I submit a ticket to get a response?

Hi Mike,

I am sorry that we didn’t see your post here and get you squared away! You should certainly open up a ticket with us so we can troubleshoot this issue with you.

Kara from Support

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