Bed stucked in oblique position

I was printing a pretty small object with my F1+ (which lately had some issues, fortunately fixed) and I heard a strange noise during the peeling phase.
I then took a look and saw that the tank was not leveled anymore, it was stucked oblique, see photo.
No way to extract the resin tank since one corner is inside the bed.

Any help would be higly appreciated, since I’m in a hurry for a delivery.

There is a stepper motor under the resin tank that makes it tilt. The motor is either jammed or broken. But because it’s in the tilted position, I think you’re going to have to disassemble the machine to fix the problem. You can’t reach the tilt motor to see if it’s jammed from above with the resin tank in the way and I don’t think you can remove the tray when it’s in the tilted position…

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