Too many duplicated parts fail

I am currently trying to duplicate my parts (2 spherical shells) in the preform software. The 2 spherical shells alone are ‘Printable’. After the first duplication, Preform says it is ‘Printable’, but after the second duplication (so total of 6 spherical shells), it shows lots of failed minimas. There is enough spacing between the parts, and the placement of the supports should work, as it was duplicated from a printable shell.

Any ideas on why this happens?


@terencech4n that shouldn’t happening, I’d like to investigate this for you. Could you post a screenshot and share the FORM file? If you’d prefer not to share the FORM file publicly, please DM me.

It’s probably something with just a difference in how it’s processing the support calculation, I’ve had that happen before. If the original is printable then the others will be.


The forum says I can’t DM you – I clicked the top left of the reply to create a new personal message, is that right?

I’ll DM you, let me know if you don’t get it

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