Hey everyone,
Been printing near about non stop since I got my printer. Lots of GoPro mounts and stuff like that, as well as some stuff for fun (a missile, and engine block, a BMW logo). Here they are! The missile failed to print very well since I didn’t really look at the STL and the wings were almost non-existent.

Here are the rest of the pics

Have you experienced many failures? I seem to get one every few prints but its not regular–wondering what other high-volume users are doing.
Looks great all those piece.
Are you printing in 100 micron ?
That may explain the high rate of success
@ Cat Long are your failures printed in 25 or 50 microns ?
@ Cat Long
I actually (knock on wood) haven’t had a single failure to print yet. I’ve has a couple prints not come out how I want, but because of human error and not adjusting the supports to fit smaller structures. I’ve also had an air bubble get included in the surface of one print, but otherwise it prints near perfect every time.
@Julien Lefebvre
Actually those are all in 50 Micron. I’ve only printed one thing in 100 Micron (a small flat wrench) and it came out perfectly. I’ve just been getting such great results out of 50 Micron setting that I haven’t wanted to mess with it much.
@ Cat Long
I actually (knock on wood) haven’t had a single failure to print yet. I’ve has a couple prints not come out how I want, but because of human error and not adjusting the supports to fit smaller structures. I’ve also had an air bubble get included in the surface of one print, but otherwise it prints near perfect every time.
@Julien Lefebvre
Actually those are all in 50 Micron. I’ve only printed one thing in 100 Micron (a small flat wrench) and it came out perfectly. I’ve just been getting such great results out of 50 Micron setting that I haven’t wanted to mess with it much. and Thanks!
I’m playing will all kinds of settings and not being very rigorous :). My 100um prints seem to work well, 50 and lower are more troublesom.