I’ve had varying success with prints since I’ve been using the Form1+. Lately I just seem to be getting more and more failed prints. I usually set-up the print with a fairly default slanted orientation with supports at defaults. With failures on this setting, I have then usually upped the density (and sometimes point size) and sometimes the slope multiplier. I would still get fails at ‘in-between’ settings and also with settings at maximum density/point size. If feels like the failures are happening on the larger parts. I’ve had little trouble printing small parts.
I have also swapped trays to a recently barely used one (that was clear of clouding or marks and had previously successfully done 2 clear material prints). The resin is a freshly opened black resin, well shaken, use by date Nov. 2015.
On these latest fails… they all seem to fail at different points and with quite a bit of ‘flaking’. On my previous grey prints, these came out fine. I always check my tank after prints, removing all cured bits and running a clean comb though to pick out the tiny bits. I usually do a quick visual on the mirror as well as the underside of the resin tank. I use pec-pad lint-free wipes lightly on occasion, to clear any dust specs I see.
So my questions are…
- Should I try these prints in a different resin?
- What is making the black resin cause so much ‘flaking’? I haven’t seen that with other resins (I’ve used white, grey and clear).
- Am I not orientating/supporting parts correct enough?
- How do you analyse a failed print to really work out what went wrong?
Advice to a noobie will be greatly appreciated!
Recent failures (didn’t bother soaking in IPA due to them failing, hence the shine):
Box of fail (21 pieces):
Boxes of Win: