Hi there, i have been using my Form 1+ allot lately, I have had great success with all but one of my prints (that was my error, i oriented it completely wrong!)
Anyway, I recently have started using Grey resin (v2) and had a few great prints. but since yesterday every single print I have tried has failed.
It starts to print fine, and x way through the print it will start having flakes (See pictures)
I have cleaned the main mirror, which is now spotless, changed resin tanks and tried my other bottle of resin, and i still have the same problem.
The last print that i tried was the formlabs Butterfly clip (I have had it printed out fine before!)
And also the formlabs test print.
I have placed these on multiple parts of the build platform, middle each corner etc and similar happens each time!
Now Formlabs Test print!
- Some parts left on build plate
Sorry for the amount of photos! I do also have a support ticket i just opened!
Thank you in advance!