Layer marks of occasional printouts


I have attached my printer status together. When you look at the photograph, you can see that the print is severe on my printout. What is the exact cause of this? My optical window is clean. I think that the floor condition of the resin tanks is not bad enough to make such a layer mark, although the replacement time is approaching. What is your opinion? And if you replace the resin tank with a new one and output just one new modeling, the quality is very good. However, if you put 5 printouts at once, you will see the print quality deteriorate. It will show layer marks like photos. I want to hear the answer. Thank you.

This could be from a number of things. Your resin tank does look like it could be contributing to the issue. I do not let my resin tank get that clouded for prints that require good accuracy. I have also seen this happen when I do not have the part supported with enough structure. The part starts to “wobble” a little during printing and causes the layering effect. Just a couple of thoughts. Good luck in the future.

It looks like the print may be hollow without drain holes. That can cause the print artifact you are seeing.

See Orient to Prevent Suction Cups and Allow Resin to Escape

Thank you for the reply. We drill holes like this. Then we replaced the resin tank with a new one and printed it again. However, I have noticed that the layer marks still look better than usual. In this case, what can I fix myself?

Thank you for the reply. We drill holes like this. Then we replaced the resin tank with a new one and printed it again. However, I have noticed that the layer marks still look better than usual. In this case, what can I fix myself?
I did not understand what the problem with resin tanks you mentioned was. Could you explain more how the prints are shaking?

Regarding the resin tank. The more the tank is clouded after repeated use, the more difficult it is for the laser to see thru the tank. I have found that this can cause the prints to degrade in the areas where the tanks is the most cloudy. In regards to the wobbling, I have found that if a part like figures of heads which I have printed many of are not support well with the support structures. I like to limit the amount to keep the contact points at a minimum down around the neck area and not on the face and head. This can cause the part to move or bend on the supports every time the tray moves for a layer. When this happens the supports are not stiff enough to keep the part fixed in one spot, so the part tends to shift ever so slightly each time the bed raises and lowers causing the layering effect. I typically just add more supports to the part when this happens and it takes care of the issue.

정말 감사합니다 당신의 조언을 참고하겠습니다. thank you so much your fix

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