Formlabs Form3B - Error Code 200

Since this morning, our Formlabs 3B is now throwing error code 200 and no one at Formlabs knows this error code.

Formlabs can’t really help me and maybe someone has the same error code on their Form3B?

In the meantime I am printing again with my Formlabs Form2 printers. These devices are real workhorses and absolutely reliable.

I don’t trust the Form3 printers anymore - unfortunately.

Many thanks in advance.

Hello @ELO1 -

I certainly understand your concern on your recent printer issue. Error 200 is a rare issue but we know what could cause it.

Since there is an open case for this, I would give our Support team time to get those steps sent to you so that we can continue assisting you.

Kind regards,

Never heard of that error code either.

I agree about the Form 2. Just cleaned my extensively and upgraded my Form 2 Laser and it our performs my 3L in print quality. The only thing I wish is that Formlabs would run a firmware update on it for the newer supports but understandable when it comes to the longevity of the printer.

Hello Jennifer, one of my team members in another lab had this error with a new installation of a 3B, FormLabs replaced the printer. As our lab has 6 3Bs in operation, we would appreciate understanding more about error 200 and error 246. Are there preventative steps we should consider with printers that are in use or is this more related to a newer installation or candidly both.
Thanks for your guidance,

Good morning, @Innovation -

This is a good followup question. An error 200 is electrical, where for some reason there’s a failure causing power to not get to the main motherboard. This is exceedingly rare and so there’s no real maintenance to stop it, but we see it rarely. 246 is in the same vein.

Kind regards,

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