What appears to have happened is that one side of the print had a fairly dense “nest” of support structures. That appears to have made the wash process not successful in that corner. Even after the cure process, the corner had some resin in it. After removing the support structures I gave the print a second wash. That got rid of most of the excess resin, but a little bit was able to bond to the surface so the print isn’t quite perfect.
I suppose in instances like this, I should take as much of the support structures off after the first wash, then give it a second short wash before the cure.
How did you orient this? You should be able to orient it so there are no supports on the flat pieces with the writing on it.I usually experiment with a few different orientations.It can make a huge difference in the number of supports and you want to avoid having too many supports on the surfaces with a lot of detail .I try to orient the part so those surfaces are facing upwards in preform so they dont have a ton of supports on them
I will often do a second wash .Sometimes resin pools and I do the first wash with the part attached to the build platform .For the second wash I remove the part from the build platform and put it in the basket of the formwash
The side with the resin pool was oriented towards the build platform. Given that it’s a tetrahedron, one of the four sides has to be oriented towards the build platform, or several do.
I can imagine orientation and fiddling with the supports would help. I suspect the second wash after removing the majority of the supports is probably the most important.
In cases where I have dense networks of supports on a given part, I will wash the part completely, remove the supports and then wash the part again. It’s important to make sure that all the resin is off the part before curing. This strategy, it’s worth noting, only works in instances where you do not want to cure on supports.
I always remove supports before washing in IPA. After soaking parts in 60-70C water for a half hour, the supports will pull off like limp spaghetti noodles. FL White/Grey/Black resin only, haven’t tried others.