Problems with printing


at moment I have a big problem with my print result. I have a installed a new resin tank and I used a new bottle of resin. In the past i didn’t have problems like this. In the picture you see my result.

That is what i got.

That is what i want.

Are you sure the print is the same part as the model you’re showing us :open_mouth: :scream: Jesus, what a mess…

Can you show us how you oriented your part in Preform? Though orientation only seems to be a small percentage of the issues you’re having… Still, it’s good to share all the info you have to make a proper assessment.

I wonder about the orientation of the part. Don’t think it should be flat. I’ve found a 20 degree up angle works on almost every print I do. Also, determining the “bottom” is important to eliminate, most if not all, internal supports.

  • Walt

Thanks Walt. Normally I’m using the automatic orientation of the Preform software. In this case I’v chosen an orientation of the part, that avoids getting any problems with a vacuum bulb in the inner area.

I can’t show you my orientation. I didn’t save it. Is it better to orient the part like the upper picture or like the lower picture? Thanks for helping

Ben, you have enough holes in that object that you shouldn’t have any issues with vacuum. Besides, the flattest surface, the back, should be what the supports attach to. With it an an angle to the build plate there wouldn’t be any vacuum at all.

Why not build it on edge? Let the supports attach to the sides rather than the flatter surfaces.

  • Walt

I disagree @Walter_Gillespie,

I would suggest attaching the supports to the “front” (see image: red area) Because certain areas (marked in blue) can definitely cause blowouts/vacuum issues when attaching the supports to the “back”. If you look at the model carefully, the blue areas are closed off. Printing with the supports attached to the back will result in a possible blowout on every peelcycle.

I do agree with Walter that there is a possibility to print it on it’s side (though at an angle), however, one must take into account that thicker supports are needed (or more supports are needed) because there is a more likely chance that the model will be ripped of the supports due to stress…

Either way, always print it at an angle so that each layer only has a small area to print rather than a large area when positioning it straight.

Goog morgning guys,

yesterday i printed with other option, but I got really bad result and my tank is damaged after three prints. I don’t have idea.

That was my orientation

That’s the result

You see the damaged tank. I think the silicone is cracked.

any ideas?

Hi @Benjamin_Kuhn please feel free to contact our support team. They would be more than happy to take a closer look at your model. This will allow us to better understand why the print is failing and advise some tips to correct the failures.

The same use to happen to me. The problem is you have dirty mirrors.

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