Isn’t it within warranty period?
Do they have a warranty? I figured since they are so cheap they did not have one.
Yes the product comes with a 1 year warranty, so that failure should be covered.
Yes, they have 1 year warranty, but it took us more than a year before we noticed that the UV-cure didn’t work → so no warranty.
Same problem here, Form cure from late nov-19 with very light usage (2year europe warranty passed). Previously used another one for 3+years with no issue. We detected a couple weeks ago the defect (intermittent initially) and now same problem only one led on each lateral panel works.
We plan to tear it down, check the panel, and if needed replace the LEDs on fault (I assume is the likely issue.
Thanks @jbryden for sharing all that info. I’ll post our findings too
Im Having the same issue, circuit board went down, they simple solution ??? Buy a new one. It was 500$. now $750. Its not their core business why behave like that ??
We too were duped by the parts issue. Our cure was about 4 years old, with very, very little use. No way should all the LED’s stop working. One use it was working, next use, only heat. We have been told by a guy that has many FL printers and cure units, that the lights can be replaced. He has done it himself. We are planning a meet to get him to show us. In the meantime, I bought a very inexpensive unit to use until then. I think this is shoddy business practice. I will not be “buying a new one” as per their recommendation.
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