This is on a relatively new print tank with new resin so there are no flaws or impurities in the tank resin from previous prints, all prints with this tank/resin up until now have been without problems.
This particular issue crops up occasionally (had it happen several times on my old platform/resin) where part of the mini raft/ support doesn’t print to the platform. I’m thinking that it doesn’t print at all since there is no debris of misprinted resin within the tank after…
The platform is perfectly clean prior to starting prints. No other flaws are evident on the print.
Thanks for the additional photo. I see from your other thread that you were able to clean the optical window. This is definitely a good starting point, and might improve your results right away.
This problem is not a consistent issue. It seems to happen sporadically, with or without cleaning of the optics. I’ve had the problem in the past and I’ve cleaned the window in the past with failures similar to this at various times after cleaning the optics. I’m not convinced it’s related.
I would say that I’ve ruled out the age of the tank, cleanliness and purity of the resin (based on the age of the current tank) and optics (in the past) as reliable causes.
Thank you for clarifying. This may be better suited for a Support case then, given the factors you’ve ruled out so far. Potential next steps would be to have your .form files reviewed or trying a different tank if you haven’t done so. It may also be worth trying out Full Rafts rather than Mini Rafts.