Good day. I see a lot of closed posts on this topic, so I’m looking for a conclusion. I acquired a brand new Form 2 in the wrapping to compliment my other Form 2, so I am no stranger to the numerous issues that can occur. After a few perfect prints, I’m now getting a sensor error. I proceeded to “reseat” the tank pushing in the right side first. This worked after a couple of tries and a reboot. After 2 hours of a print, this error occurred again. I was able to get it to work after several times reseating the tray. The print is most likely ruined since it will have a line from being out of the resin too long. What is the actual cause of this issue? It is a brand-new machine, a new v4 resin, and a virtually new tank. Could it be the tank? Is there a better fix? Thanks, all my Form 2 peeps.
Hi innovtr,
I’ve seen some instances where positioning the tank in different ways (which is why reseating works sometimes) can resolve the issue. Sometimes the printer believes the tank is in a different area, or it could be the tank itself.
I would create a support case with our support team and provide the serial name and logs to get a detailed diagnosis of what is going on with that area and if there’s any extra steps that can be provided.
Indeed, the problem has been reported many times, but a conclusive solution has never been given. I also regularly have this error. Not during printing, but just before when I have started the print job. I can usually solve it by sliding the tank 1 or 2 mm forward and then pushing it back into place. But this does not seem to be a real solution to the problem. Formlabs support does not offer a solution either.
In this case Formlabs sent a newly refurbished unit that did not have the spring-loaded screws that hold the resin tray tightened. Ridiculous. I would try tightening these screws a bit. My next issue is no adhesion to the build plate so I now move on to that. Wow, I’m always disgusted about how I got fleeced out of $15,000+ by this company, and SLA printers that can do this same job better cost $400. SMH
Hi folks, i have tried to reduce the resin to the level just tad below the line on the tank. You can try running it with less resin in the tank, reload the print file again too. Hope that helps
i had suspected that a combination of preform software and printer firmware were to blame. I have been loading and flashing new firmware from the list MattiaMercante provided. AND IT WORKED! I managed to install preform 3.0.0 which then prompted me to update my printer’s firmware. it now auto filled and stopped right on the fill line. The sensor worked as well which is good as i had ordered a FDC1004 to re solder onto the sensor board (don’t have to do that anymore) and it’s currently printing the optics test. I’m super happy however, the true test comes with the optics test print results.