Hi , have been using Form2 since when fists came out, but recently printing time way off like an hour, my printer up to date and l ask the support not much help basically afte second Email to me was good luck ! Till now they where very helpful, dose anyone knows abaut this problem ? If anyone can help thanks.
Thanks so much for letting us know, @apo537 . We’re sorry you’re having issues with your print time. Reaching out to services was the right thing to do - we hear that you didn’t get the answer you were looking for so we’re looking into this and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for your response.
Abraham Jewelers
Thanks for your patience, Abraham. After further problem solving to our team, we have another potential troubleshooting suggestion: Delete your older print files.
The reason being, not unlike other hardware, as a printer gets loaded up with past print files, if your printer has very limited storage space left, it can pose a challenge for handling incoming files and file management. Deleting files may offer some speed enhancement.
To delete a print job on a Form 2:
- Tap the queue icon on the home screen. The Jobs screen appears.
- Select the saved print job from Jobs. A new screen appears.
- Tap the trash icon to delete the print job. A confirmation screen appears.
- Tap Delete Print to confirm. The print job is deleted from the printer.
Or, if there is a lengthy print queue you can perform a factory reset:
To perform a factory reset:
- Unplug the printer.
- Reconnect the printer power cable.
- When the Formlabs logo appears, press and hold the button until Resetting to factory defaults appears on the touchscreen.
- Release the button.
- The touchscreen displays Factory reset complete before initializing the printer.
To confirm a successful factory reset, tap queue on the touchscreen.
We hope this helps. While we do our very best to support the Form 2 community, as the Form 2 continues to mature, we are limited in our troubleshooting capabilities.
Thanks for your help. I will do it.
Sorry I rushed to read your email, I don’t keep my old prints in the printer`s memory , so should I still try factory settings for the correct time estimate ?
Thanks Abraham
Hi @apo537, if you haven’t done a factory reset then yes we recommend you do that next.
Cheers, Diana
Thanks for your reply, l will do resett.