3+ calibration


Is there a need to calibrate the 3+ printer? We are having sporadic prints. The issue is vertical dimension and mesial / distal width but only 1 in 50 prints.


Some more info is required? Does this happen on different tanks/resins? Is the vertical dimension issue the total height, or vertical feature to feature position?

Hi @cdmlab,
Check out this Support Guide Fit Tuning: Printing, Testing - Form 3 / Form 3+ that will take you through the standard process steps (ex: make sure you’re firmware is up to date) and share a test print…

If going through these steps still doesn’t get you to where you need to be with printing, please reach out to support who can gather more machine specific details and troubleshoot to get you back to great prints asap.


Hello @cdmlab, @StarFlicker,
We’d really like to dig in on this with Formlabs Support to understand what you’re experiencing. Could you please reach out to support so we can gather more machine specific details and troubleshoot to get you back up and running?