I went to use printer and noticed that the touchscreen was frozen. I tried rebooting and the screen got stuck (frozen) on the butterfly logo initializing screen. I unplugged again and left it off for a minute and tried again. Same result. I factory reset the machine with same result. I left unplugged for 15 minutes and tried again with same result. Any suggestions? (Sent in a support request already. Just seeing if anyone has experienced anything similar.)
I’m in the same situation. I’ve submitted a ticket and it’s been two days and I haven’t heard anything from Formlabs. Hopefully, your machine is back up and running more than a week later.
Support had me try a few things including reseating the ribbon cables to the LCD screen. Didn’t help the issue. My machine was still under warranty, so they sent me a replacement machine that arrived yesterday. Hooked everything up and I am back in business. Hopefully, you will be back up soon!
Thanks for sharing your news. We’ve had our machine for just a few months so still under warranty as well. Hoping it’s just a ribbon cable but that doesn’t make any sense to me, the screen is working and showing the initializing screen. Anyway, it’s some comfort to know I’m not the only one experiencing this issue.
Hi I am facing the same issue however, my printer’s warranty period expired a few months back. Is there any other solution possible to this issue?
Hey @Osamaasif!
Sorry to hear about your screen issues! Despite the state of your warranty, I’d still recommend reaching out to our services team to see how we might be able to assist you!
Hey @DKirch Thanks for your reply. I have tried contacting your service team numerous times unfortunately, I have not received any response on my query yet.
Hi @Osamaasif we’re so sorry you haven’t been able to fix this yet. I checked in with our services team and they shared that they have already reached out (you might want to check your spam?). Regardless, they will be contacting again to help your figure out what’s going on with your screen, so keep an eye out and let me know if you don’t hear from them.
Hi @verdugod thanks for your response I have been keeping a check on my mail however, I have not received any response from your service yet. Looking forward to hearing from them soon.
Thank You