I raised a ticket regarding the way the latest version of Preform calculates the supports, a few months ago. I never heard anything back, after I provided files etc
- The latest version is finding minima issues when there were none on previous versions.
- Internal supports are adding points on key details, again it never used to
- Supports pass through geo or appear on the surface. Placement doesn’t seem to be thought out.
I know I can edit the supports but I should have to - especially when printing 1000’s of objects.
I have both a Form 2 and a Form 3.
The best Preform version was before the introduction of the Form 3.
Preform 3.0.4 distributes supports perfectly after the repair feature, and that’s what I’ve been sticking to, so why it is broken in later versions?
I’ve been using 3.0.4 when using my Form 2, however I have now come to a point where in order to improve the performance on my Form 3 (because, yes from reading the forums the print quality of the Form 3 is disappointing) - I’ve updated to the latest firmware and now its no longer compatible with version 3.0.4 - so I have no choice but to update.
This is incredibly frustrating, I dont see why this cant be fixed.
Is anyone else having issues with Preform?
EDIT: I tried ignoring the repair option - and calculations seem correct - so its the REPAIR feature that’s breaking it.