The printer has 2 months, and print more or less 2 liters of resin. I
I updated the printer to the new software and firmware version of Preform V1.8_13
After my first production, I’ve done a roll of 20 (were perfect) ( with version 1.7 of preform)
a detail of the quality of first impressions on 025
even 050
so I wanted to do other 14
…but the last 4 started getting these problems (Preform version 1.7))
thin layers between the supports and some objects
Many stripes and deformations of objects
Then I looked and saw the tank began to have some clouds
( i dont have photo )
Complete production and started a new design.
First thing to start new production was discard old tank and old resin and put a new tank with new resin ( unused ). and look at the mirror and clean some little dust with compressed air.( its perfect )
But the results were the same.
This is the new production ( 1/6 scale futaba radio control system) (tested with Preform 1.7.1 and 1.8_13)
Prints at 025 ( i made 4 prints and dont want to do more to waste resine )
A lot of stripes
Errors and holes
And thin layers
Curiously supports are perfect, but supports do not sell
Please I need Help
I dont know what is happening and why this happens. It may be that the laser is failing?
Ask I this problem directly with technical support with a ticket?
Raise a ticket. The support guys and girls are good at getting back to you asap. It would also be useful to post whatever solves the problem to help others.
It kind of looks like one of everything. I think it just needs some general maintenance. I would mix the resin, strain the resin, tighten the platform, print fewer at a time, and blow off the mirrors with a squeeze duster.
The mirrors are clean, the tank and resin are new ( i´ll try to straint it some more),
But i dont know that i need to adjuts the platform. I just check it and the head moves a little, not in place ( when its atached to printer), its the head respect to platform base. I saw the hole and there is a large screw.
I imagine you just release the lever, twist the screw a little, then push the lever back down. If the lever is snug, good. If it’s loose then adjust again.
Yes, I adjust the screw and now the platform adjust better to the printer and when you adjust this screw, the base platform dont move respect the head, Only moves a little when it is outside printer ( because it not has pression ).
I review all things, strain and remove resing again, verify all mirrors and tank base, and print a known object that prints well.
how can i know if laser its OK? there is any test to do?
Glad you opened a ticket with support. When in doubt, support is here to help, please do not hesitate to open a ticket with them to start the process of getting our assistance. The forum is a great resource, but ultimately, we have a great support team here for a reason .
The light streaks look like there might be streaks on the mirror, try shining a light from the bottom of the mirror and see if that is it. The odd shape of the laser dot looks like something is refracting it. Might just be a more common flair that most have but might look worse because of the mirror.
I looked at my mirror and have a real fine dust on it that you can’t see directly on but only at an extreme angle. Though it hasn’t affected my prints I think it’s about due to be cleaned.
The long dash like pattern to me doesn’t indicate a bad laser but something that is fouling the beams path. From what I have seen on the few pics of bad lasers they seem to bloom around the beam and lose focus.
Finally Formlabs support tell me that this problem could be a dust in mirror as says KenCitron.
Tomorrow i will to boy some Pec-Pad wipes to clean it.
You know if only must clean the big mirror? and also i need to clean the little ones ( there are 4 mirrors on From1+ )
This little ones could have dust also. but i dont find information about that.
I would clean the first Big Mirror. You might only need a light dry wipe on it if an air blaster doesn’t do the trick. I picked up one of the rocket blaster dusters used for cameras as everyone else suggested and it works pretty nice.
You should be able to see if cleaning the big mirror did the trick with the laser test. You should see minimal background around the laser dot.