I received my printer early August and it was really top quality in parts. for 15 days, I was no longer comes out an entire, the machine starts great and after a while, the part glue to silicone and slammed the media between two layers (We must take off the solidified resin into the silicone)
I changed the tank, the resin, the media … and I still have the same problem.

Someone already he had the problem and if so how has he solved this one.
Thank you in advance
Hello Stephane — there could be a number of different things going on. Did you change your resin and resin tank entirely? Even some small particles in the resin can cause issues with prints. It’s difficult to tell exactly what’s going on — could you post some photos of what the final part should look like, as well as screenshots in PreForm? That’s helpful for diagnosis.
I’d also suggest that you reach out to support@formlabs.com — with your Form 1+ comes complete, free access to our team. They’ll get you up and running as quickly as possible.
Friday I sent a video of the hanging of the pieces in the tank and this morning the photos (with the screenshot of prefrom) has the adress mail support (Ticket No. # 41865).
Friday I sent a video of the hanging of the pieces in the tank and this morning the photos (with the screenshot of prefrom) has the adress mail support (Ticket No. # 41865).
I actually changed the tank (new) build platform (new), the resin in white, clear, … (new in the last week) … and nothing changes the problem (even cleaning the mirror, …)
I’m currently stuck in my parts production to validate a concept for one of my clients.
Best regards

I actually changed the tank (new) build platform (new), the resin in white, clear, … (new in the last week) … and nothing changes the problem (even cleaning the mirror, …)
I’m currently stuck in my parts production to validate a concept for one of my clients.
Best regards
I followed the procedure for cleaning the mirrors as I was advised Luke Formlabs support.
And the result is perfect, I printed the butterfly clip preform without any problem !!!
Thank you for your responsiveness and track your customers !!!
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Great to hear, Stéphane! Looking forward to seeing more of your prints.