Shutdown Form2 and FormCure

He there,

I start this day with my Form2 and my FormCure. So I think I have a “problem”. When the print job is finished than I can’t shutdown the two machines.
There is no switch key on the back side to shutdown or in the menu I can’t find a standby option.

It is possible to shut down or standby the machines with out pull out the energy cable?

May I ask why you want to shut them down?

I don’t think there is an easy way besides just unplugging it.

Because I don’t use the Form2 every day. In the next two month I planed my experimental phase. In this phase I have 4-6 days without any use case for the Form2.

Okay, then i unplugged the machines when no option is available.

Just keep pressing the button for few seconds, it will put the printer to sleep.

To wake it up, depress the button.


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Thanks. I pushed the button not long enough :slight_smile: