Yes I know we can shell our parts in other software - but actually I’m finding it quite difficult. My current model has a lot of very complex surfaces - it includes a scanned dental impression - and when trying to use Solidworks “thicken” - it thinks about it for 10 mins (on an overclocked Intel 3930K no less) and then aborts. Geomagic Studio works and very quickly - but doesn’t seem to understand about keeping the thicken operation within the bounds of the part.
So - at the moment, I don’t know how to go about shelling my larger parts - even with two extremely capable software packages, although I’m certainly no expert in Geomagic Studio.
It would make things a lot simpler, and faster if shelling were a function in preform.
The new Pegasus Retina Create software is able to shell very quickly and adds a support structure within the shell. This is one great feature that and I think that our PreForm software should have the same. This would reduce resin usage in prints that do not have to be a solid. There is no reason that PreForm doesn’t have this feature.
I agree with Peter, the PreForm needs a shell function. also a split function would be awesome too for large prints (to be able to split a solid large print in small pieces then connected after the print)
Please do something about printing the hollowing (shelling functions) with a customized wall thickness. PLEASE
Thanks for the suggestion-- sounds like this would be pretty useful for a lot of people! We’ve implemented a number of features requested on these forums, and I’ll make sure this one makes it to the software team.
Yes, as Marko_Tadros says, a split function. The Form-1 built size is very small and once you oriente even small parts they are too large because of the angle and such. A split function along with the shell with supports function would make the Form-1 a real Premo Printer, not that it’s not already. These functions are just software code that any good programmer with a solid mathematics background should be able to.