Realistic Shipping Time?

Hi guys,
When we ordered our Form 1+ about 3 weeks ago, the website said there was a 7 week wait. That puts us into mid-August, and we have adjusted our production schedule to accommodate the wait. But now I’m reading on these forums that people are waiting about 6 months to receive their printers. Obviously this is of great concern to us and would like an honest answer regarding the shipping time. Has anyone who ordered a Form1+ in June received their printer yet? Thank you.

Hello Dawn — we’ve been actively shipping out Form 1+ 3D Printers ordered during mid-June, shortly after launch, and the lead times represented on our site are accurate. I can’t give you an exact ship date, but we’re on schedule.

In the past – particularly while sending out printers from our Kickstarter phase and expanding international operations, we did run into some significant lead times, but I’m pleased to say that we’ve largely resolved those manufacturing & supply chain issues.

Do be assured that if your printer is significantly delayed, we’ll let you and everyone else know!

Thanks for the update, I greatly appreciate it.

I purchased 10 months after Kickstarter ended, this is my timeline.

10-26-2012 Kickstarter ended.
10 months…
08-19-2013 I ordered a Form1 that said November delivery.
3 months…
11-06-2013 First communication, saying expect another 2 or 3 month delay.
12-17-2013 Said they were still shipping KICKSTARTER orders this week, and I should expect late February.
02-05-2014 It shipped, Fedex tracking number (9612015) 421583910060573
02-11-2014 It arrived, 6 months after ordering.
3 months…
05-02-2014 The laser burned out.
05-16-2014 Return finally approved, sent back on Fedex tracking number 421583910093144
06-10-2014 After waiting a month I was given a refurbished printer on Fedex tracking number 421583910099030
07-11-2014 Refurbished printer failed after less than 1 month! Another saga begun.
07-21-2014 Return authorized and shipped back on Fedex tracking number 421583910110193
08-01-2014 A refurbished Form1+ printer arrives on Fedex tracking number 421583910115983 But fails terribly on the clear @ 0.05 setting. All other settings will print.
10-01-2014 Getting nice results and finally happy about my printer. However still fails with clear @ 0.05.

I’m sorry about your lousy experience, Josh – I see your printer has been delivered and we’ll turn around a replacement as quickly as possible. I’ll also add that your experience – particularly the multi-month delay from the Kickstarter campaign, is the experience that folks these days aren’t happening. Hat tip too, for backing us in those early days. I know that it was a quite a saga and we all appreciate the patience. We’ll get you going ASAP.

Thanks for the note Sam. But there is the ongoing fact that if you need support your only option is to email FormLabs and wait maybe 6 days for each reply, meaning simple conversations take a month or more. And FormLabs does not offer loaners so you are shut down from the moment your printer fails to print, through the email month and through the shipping weeks.

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I have same experience. Order in February and delivered in July. But I order Form 1 and get Form 1+ but after I was blogging everywhere about horrible shipment and loooong delivery time.

And JoshK you are right about using Form1 for business. I am scared to use it because if its get broke I don’t know when I will get my spare parts :frowning: maybe if you buy 3 pcs it will be OK :smiley:

I just wanted to add to this thread maybe with the intention to update the information regarding shipping times?
I ordered my machine on July 9 with a 7 weeks lead time. As it now Aug 17 my machine is in transit and due for delivery on wed Aug 20. So my wait has been a little over a month, but this is consistent with the information Formlabs provided via e-mail to my inquiries regarding extended ship time. I am in the US, so things may be a bit different for Europe.

However I have noticed that the machine lead time is now 4 weeks on their site - so its getting better !

It is always nice to hear good news :wink:
Well Form1 is nice product it will be shame if it falls on something like shipping

I hope your printer will print like hell :wink:

Hi everyone, I just wanted to give an update. I ordered the Form1+ on July 3rd with an expected 7 week lead time. The printer and finishing kit just arrived today, Monday August 18th. The resin kit is scheduled to arrive on Friday August 22.

The printer looks real pretty, and I will be staring at it for the rest of the week until the resin arrives. Ha!

Ha! you ordered after me and got it before me? - good.
Mine should be home where I there. Resin comes Friday also.

PS: Can the clear resin be sanded / frosted? I need some frosted parts.

Yeah, I ordered mine July 3rd and received it Monday. It shipped from California and I am in California, so it didn’t have far to travel. Without any resin, it makes a very lovely paperweight. Ha! The resin is scheduled to arrive on Friday. Good luck with your printer, I hope we will be free of the troubles some of these other people have gone through.

P.s. I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to sand the clear resin. If you do a test, please post it for all to see. cheers.

I ordered mine on July 30, 2014 and it shipped today 08/20/2014.
This is just 21 days.

Certainly Formlabs has really gotten their act together on shipping now.
They said 4 weeks to ship and it shipped in 3 weeks.

I have no complaints whatsoever about the shipping times.

Wow, good to hear Peter & Dawn!

I guess gone are the days of people bidding way more than actual costs for a Form-1 on Ebay, for example: "Why wait 8 months when you could get your Form-1 Now, Starting Bid $4300.00, I think most could wait 3 or 4 weeks and purchase direct from a great company like FormLabs.

I got my printer on Friday along with the finishing kit and resin. I ordered grey, so I wont be able to try frosting clear.
Maybe you can ? lol.

What is everyone using their printers for? (maybe should be another thread)

I just wanted to add in my wait times here to try and keep this information current.

I ordered my form 1+ on Sep 18 2014. The website says a 3 week wait. The website has recently changed to say shipping in 3 weeks 11/2014. When I ordered the 1+ the website said it will ship 3 weeks 10/2014.

Currently I am over my promised time by 3 days. It is currently the weekend (not holding that against them) but I honestly was hoping it would have shipped in 2 weeks. (under promise over deliver kind of thing) so I am hoping to get a shipping notice tomorrow or sometime this week. Sooner the better as I have alot of models/prototypes to print before production.

Once I get my shipment notice I will update again but from my current experience when they say 3 weeks, do not expect it any sooner.

Just received my tracking numbers tonight 10/13/2014. As long as everything is fine with the shipment, we have enough prints to keep this thing running for a long time. Very excited to get this in.

So Sep 18 to oct 13 was my processing time. Almost right on the 3 week mark as they had posted.