Are these shipping yet?

Hey guys, i wanted to know if these are shipping yet ? seems like there are 2 other companies that do stereolithography and they are delayed in shipping as well.

I am in the second tier of Kickstarter backers and I have paid my shipping fee. All I can say is *I* have not received a notice that *my* printer has been shipped.

Formlabs have shipped out printers to 15 beta testers though. See this post over on the Kickstarter campaign page for a little more info…
I don’t know if this will be a hyperlink or not.

I would speculate that no printers have been shipped to “normal” people yet.


I’m in the first 25 tier and have not yet received any confirmation, so the beta tester were probably selected for their proximity to Formlabs.

So we have all the wait :slight_smile:

But I’ll make sure to go and see them at the SF Makerfair this we.


I’m excited about this but i will be even more excited when i see one in a UPS box :).