Que management in Dashboard

Seeing that related requests has been closed i will voice my request regarding this aswell. In my case where i have the office quite far away from the printers and we are several ppl operating the printers, it would be really handy to be able to see what is qeued up in the printers without having to waste time running thru the building to find out. Will this be a possibility?

Hi @Andreasemilsson,

Thanks for getting in touch and bringing this suggestion back up. There are a few similar features that aren’t exactly what you are asking for, but I thought I would mention them regardless: Tracking print progress with Timeline, which shows a visual representation of print jobs in progress, and Managing Fleet Control print jobs in Dashboard, which allows for management of queued prints for printer groups for users who have Fleet Control. Regardless, I will pass your feedback along to specifically be able to see each printer’s individual job queue via Dashboard.

I see in your example it says Print Group. I don´t have that option. Only option i have is “All Printer types” and “Fuse 1”.

Hi @Andreasemilsson,

This feature is only enabled for users with Fleet Control (see Using Fleet Control as well). This is intended for users with multi-printer setups to manage shared job queues and have Dashboard automatically assign print jobs to available printers.

Well, thats not for us then i guess.

Considering how unreliable and down right bad the Fuse1+ has been for over 8 months now and still is, i would never have Preform automatically assign printjobs to our machinepark.

Understood; I’m sorry to hear that the Fuse 1+ issues have still been continuing. I assume you have been in contact with Support already, but continuing to work with them will be the most efficient way to iron out any persistent issues.

Yeah we are in touch with support every few days to try and find a solution but to no avail sadly.

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