Printer tank unknown?

Hey all. After getting a constant sensor error I ended up printing in open mode. The print came out great despite no wiper action. However I turned on my printer and switched off open mode to return to sensor printing and now I have a ‘Printer tank unknown’ message. My tank still has grey v3 resin up to the fill line, so not sure what to do at this point. Is it ok to print still?

Ok false alarm. seems that the printer thought I printed in a different resin other than FL. I just told it to accept the tank as grey V3.

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If you have problems getting the trays to register I would open a support ticket. This is a known issue and they have a few things to try to resolve it.

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‘Printer Tank Unknown’ tends to be a bit different from the printer displaying ‘Resin Tank: None’. An unknown tank usually means that the tank is being read, but the printer is unsure of the material that’s being used. This is common behavior when printing in Open Mode and can be bypassed to re-assign the tank to a new material.

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