Printer 2 Printer File transfer

Have Formlabs looked into adding the option of transferring files from one printer type to another, if on the same network subnet?
Perhaps, the flow would be something like this:
Printer 1 has run out of resin - or developed a fault, but is still working.
The lab has 2 other networked printers, all running on the same subnet
Printer 1 menu now has an option to search for other printers on the network.
It sees Printers 2 and 3.
Files menu now allows transfer from Printer 1 to Printer 2 or 3, irrespective of resin currently fitted.
Resin and tank swap now allows file from Printer 1 to run on Printer 2 or 3 without the need for the lab technician to contact the original operator and create and new file for Printer 2 or 3…
Technician (or original operator) now runs new file on Printer 2 or 3…

Note: ALL printers must be the same model; i.e., Form 2 or Form 3, etc.

Simplistic at best, but would add considerable practical functionality between printers that are already using compatible network protocols that should be capable of detecting similar printers on a subnet.

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+1 to this request. Would be very helpful versus having to go and re-upload the job to the other printer

Hi all,

Thank you for the feedback - I’m going to go ahead and pass this along to the team for consideration. I also suggest passing this feedback via PreForm itself (via the Help Menu, you can submit feedback) to get more eyes on this feature.