Hello 3D printing community! I am at my wits end with this printer. Every print that we’re running now has this rough, chewy texture all over it, and I just cannot figure it out.
1.) Cleaned the glass under the resin tray very carefully
2.) Swapped out the resin tray for a completely new one
3.) Tested the Z-axis height offset adjust both + and - in small increments all the way to +2mm and -2mm
4.) Changed model orientation more times than I’d like to count
Nothing is working and I cannot get any resolution through Formlabs. I included some images of a couple prints for review. Keep in mind that both of these models were created with a 100% smooth surface- no surface texture at all was designed into the models.
Unless it’s in a vacuum, there is always possibility for dust to get in. I bet that a few small specs of dust in the right place can cause issues, it’s definitely worth investigating.
I just checked and the internal mirror is just COVERED in dust. How can this happen if the internal systems are supposed to be secure? Do I have to get permission to open the printer, or are there listed steps on how to access and clean the mirror?
It’s possible that it got dust inside during assembly, but you should contact support to get instructions on how to open and clean the inside. Good news is that cleaning the large mirror isn’t difficult, and hopefully after cleaning it it will not so easily get dusty after closing it up again.