So, first–I recommend against using auto orientation and auto supports, it often can’t get the settings correct for the model. Though it looks like your orientation is OK because it’s such a big object it couldn’t orient it much different. But I can definitely see some support issues. Generally, the auto supports will put too many or doesn’t distribute them well.
As for the issue—long thin objects will have a tendency to warp from curing which might be the issue. Also, with that type of shape it’s going to put a lot of wear on the resin tray since it will end up curing on the same spot for many layers so that could be an issue and might cause lower printing quality as it gets to the top, though I would think that would happen only if the resin tray is already pretty well-used beforehand.
Use a water based cleaning method. I was able to print a 4x3x.5 box with 1mm walls that fit perfect.
Orientation is critical to avoid tearing so try to get some good angles on the surfaces.
Thanks all for the info, i will give it a try. I had always used the default layout and support thinking it would reduce errors, but sounds like that was wrong.
I have also seen this on some prints.
As others have said, the solution for me was to reduce the amount of time the parts sit in the alcohol bath. Thin walled parts will almost blow apart if left for too long.
For very thin walled parts and fresh alcohol, I have the best results by actively moving the wash tray in the bath for 3 minutes. (I believe the standard instructions tell you 10 minutes in the first bath and 10 minutes in the second).
After a 3 minute wash let it dry for a couple of hours and repeat only if necessary.