PreForm Software Update 1.2

I think i have the exact same problem than Simon. After the uptade my prints constantly failed  ( only the base are printing and sometime small parts of few supports )

I don’t know if it have something to do with the new version of preform ( i think it just a coincidence )

I already open up a ticket.

I am seeing the same outcome as others after upgrading PreForm.  UI is slow and takes around a minute to refresh any operation.  Once printing starts the printer display says “Waiting for XX”.  XX being the slice number. There is a 3 minute delay after the slice is loaded and the printing begins.  I get about 15 slices printed and that’s it.  No errors, PreForm is still running, printer display is frozen on last slice printed.  I’m running Windows 7.

I submitted ticket.  ID is (33100).

Yeah, I’m having lots of failed prints now after the update. I’ve submitted a support ticket, but as multiple people (appear) to be having difficulties, it would be nice in general to allow the download of older versions of the PreForm software.

@David - as luck would have it, Korben Dallas just uploaded a comprehensive set of previous Preform versions to the Unofficial Wiki - in a simple table layout that also shows you the firmware version that comes with each version of Preform.

If anyone else would like to contribute useful Form1 stuff - please apply to be an editor from the wiki.



After the most recent software and firmware updates, my builds are all failing. They will print and attach a roughly 1 mil thick layer to the build platform but after that most of the rest of the print will fail to connect to that initial 1 mil layer usually leaving all but a single corner attached to the platform with 3-5 mashed up supports.

Very discouraging.

Will try again with an earlier (previously working) version of the software and see if that fixes the problem or if it was the firmware update that screwed things up.

I firstly think that the last uptade of the software was just a coincidence of my problem but after what you said  dungeon stone, it’s look like we have the exact same problem…

Well I tried a print with the older software version which had been working previously but am still experiencing the same disconnected failed builds. Is there a way to step back down the firmware to the previous version as well?

Have you tried the menu option Help>update firmware??

I haven’t tried downgrading the firmware myself yet - but I think the firmware is actually bundled with the Preform software. It might possibly be more accurately named “install firmware” rather than “update” which implies downloading the latest version - which I don’t think it does. So my expectation is that you can downgrade the firmware from within your old version of Preform.

Oh boy. I have had two failed prints since upgrading to 1.2. I thought maybe it was something I was doing, but now I’m feeling like it’s the software or firmware update. On my last print, the output was very strange. Very coarse lines, and the supports weren’t smooth columns like normal. The model had some voids in odd areas, where it looks like it just disintegrated. And I had previously cleaned the entire tank, washed it out, and let it dry. I also strained the resin through a fine mesh strainer to remove and floaties. So now I’m wondering what the heck is going on.

The firmware update option simply informs me that “your firmware is up to date” and gives no option to install the older version.

I am no attempting to print a 0.5" high block straight onto the platform with no supports in order to see if the error is somehow mixed up with the support structure routines.

Here’s my 5th print…note how “globular” and irregular the supports are. Not to mention the void on the head and shoulder area. In one place it’s like the model shifted 1mm in one direction and then continued to print from the offset position.  This model had previously printed twice with no issues.

@DS - I think that you weren’t able to downgrade your firmware because you did not go back far enough with your Preform version. If you look at the table on the Unofficial wiki it shows you which firmware goes with which preform version. And you have to go back to Preform 1.0 preview 2 from Jan 7th before you can downgrade the firmware - which you can definitely do - see attached.

However, while it does seem highly co-incidental that we get so many issues reported around the time of Preform updates - I’m not convinced that all of them are due to the Preform updates or the slightly less frequent firmware updates.

The fact is that the Form1 fails a lot, for many different reasons, and Formlabs have been very busy releasing lots of software updates - so I expect that some failures are being blamed on software when they’re not connected.

That said of course - you can downgrade your firmware, and it would be interesting to know if it helps, but I would raise a ticket with Formlabs and have them go through their diagnostics with you.

The software version I am attempting to go back to print with is V 0.9.1 which is packaged with the V1.2c firmware however it will not give me the option you have shown to drop v 1.3c back down to 1.2c.

As kevin said, failed prints can occur for many reasons. For me, it was like i thought because of the laser. A new printer will arrive soon.

Matt Hoover, i don’t think it’s because of the new version too. You should check the resin tank and see if the pdms has not been damaged.

And depending on how you orient your model you can have or not tilts in your print  ( because of the peel process )

And my current build has the exact same problem with this software now.

A 1 mil layer bonded to the platform and then a completely disconnected remainder of the build forming on the bottom of the resin tank.

This is infuriating.

@ Gilles - Agreed, but I inspected and cleaned the PDMS layer prior to printing. It had not a single scratch or mark on it, save for the cloudiness I’ve been getting. But I also printed this one off center so it shouldn’t affect it much.


I have printed the exact same model yesterday with zero issues. The only thing which changed was that I “upgraded” to the newer firmware and software.

To be clear… So far I have…

  1. Checked the tank ~ no damage or cloudiness in the area being printed to however, I have also moved the build around the platform on various attempts to different locations and have seen the EXACT same problem.

  2. The model is one which has printed correctly numerous times before all from the same saved file with form created supports saved into it. However I have also just attempted to print a simple half inch square cube directly to the platform and had the exact same problem.

Occam’s razor points us to the update being the cause.

OK I managed to force the printer to accept a firmware downgrade and am now attempting (again) a simple build with software v 0.9.1

So long as the 1.3c firmware update didn’t mess with any of the printer’s mechanical calibrations I am hoping to see better results…

My failure has been diagnosed as a laser failure but I thought I would try the software/firmware roll back suggested by Kevin as a straw to clutch at.    The result was the predictable tank of porridge.  The resin is about to go into the dead resin bottle and I will try to save the brand new tank.   My problem with recent events is that nine years of working in military airworthiness has taught me that coincidence is an abstract concept.  So we have to wait for Formlabs to fix all these problems.  Like Kevin, I am worried about the long term prospects for the printer to keep working reliably.