I installed preform 3.9.0 today and I’m having trouble auto-generating supports for a print. The auto-generate feature sits at about the 1/4-complete stage. It’s been there for over an hour. Usually auto-generate takes about 3-5 seconds.
Preform does not crash. It’s gobbling up CPU cycles and memory, but it does not appear to be making any progress.
The part has a large hollow chamber in it, perhaps that’s causing the algorithm some grief.
Hmm, “support edit mode” also causes it to freeze. I’ll try rebooting. The reboot seemed to have helped.
I have the same happening to me sometimes. Auto-generate support process gets stuck at approximately 1/4 of the way. It happened to me with different versions of Preform. I found that it does that when the model is at a certain angle (near a 45 degree orientation). Like you say Preform usually only takes a few sec to complete the process of generating the supports so when it gets stuck I notice right away. What I do is cancel the process and orient the model slightly different. Not much of a change but ever so slightly. Then Preform does the supports right away