Preform 2.4.0 failed installation

Slightly odd…

Updated Preform from 2.3.3 to 2.4.0 on one system (Win10) and the sw claims it cannot find libstdc+±-6.dll or libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
The installer for Bonjour exited prematurely as I have a newer version of Bonjour installed.

A clean install on a separate Win10 system yesterday saw no problems.

I’ve done an uninstall/reinstall of Preform but still see the same issue.

Any thoughts?


I have the same problem. libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing and PreFrom will not run,


I can work around it - the unpacked DLLs are on the other system - but it’s a nuisance.
Did you also have a newer version of Bonjour installed?

First I also installed Bonjour, but on the second run I removed Bonjour and reinstalled PreForm without Bonjour. That didn’t help. I’m running on Win 7.


I have the same problem, I tried to reinstall both, preform and bonjour, but nothing happend.
The problem appear when i installed the new version of preform 2.40.


Problem here too. It was working fine yesterday. Bonjor isn’t the problem, otherwise not updating would fix the problem. (Windows 7)

I do have a ticket open on it, so this is more for my interest in seeing what the common underlying issue is. Workaround at the moment is copying the missing dlls in, which is fine for me but won’t help other people.

I’d rather not start pulling installer scripts to pieces if possible…!

If you can supply a fix that would be awesome :stuck_out_tongue: But I can also wait.

I have the same issue as well as libstdc+±6.dll is missing.

I had the same problem, opened an older version of the installer with winzip and manually copied the 3 files that are missing into the preform directory.

Temporary fix until they update the installer.

Formlabs PreForm 2.4.0 missing DLLs.pdf (379.9 KB)

Hi all,
in attach you can find a ZIP file (please rename the PDF extension in ZIP) containing the missing DLLs.
If you prefer you can download the 3 missing DLLs searching them on the following site:

Hoping it is helful for you.
Have a nice day.


Colour me paranoid, but a) I would never suggest accepting DLLs from a 3rd party site and b) the size of your zipped DLLs differs from mine.

I would suggest that getting the DLLs from Formlabs is the most sensible option; I’d upload what they’ve sent me but I wouldn’t advise you to trust me either :slight_smile:

The attached DLLs have been provided to me from the Formlabs support less than 15 mins ago but…I totally agree with you :slight_smile:

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Hi all,

Thank you for sharing this.
Yes, please don’t install/copy .dll files from third party sites.

I have the three original .dll files for download here:
Please copy these into your PreForm folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Formlabs\PreForm) and try running PreForm again.

Kind regards,

Jakob Dobberow
Formlabs Services - Customer Care

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Thanks Jakob! Works fine now!


If you’ve had trouble downloading or installing PreForm 2.4.0, please try again, now that the download package includes all the necessary .dll library files.

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