Multiple flexible resin issues

Hi all!

I have a formlabs 1+ printer and I am trying to print some stuff with the flexible resin. They are classified so I can’t show the models. However, I can say it has a small disk of 6 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness.

My issues are wide with this resin. Is really thick so I know I have to manipulate it with special care. However, my models are never holded to the platform. Does anybody knows if this is because is too small?

Other issue is that the prints (not with this resin, with the clear one) are always sticky. I can not remove the sticky feeling! I tried to wash with isopropanol or water and the sticky feeling is there. And also the prints are kind of white-ish.

The last issue, some of my models with the flexible resin (*not the disk, other shape) are foldable indeed but 24h later and preserved dry they can be broken. Anybody knows why is this happening? It has low elongation, so does it mean that this problem will always happen?

Thanks to all in advance

Hi Mary,

Are you printing your parts on support structures? A part that small will not print directly on the build platform.

Regarding the stickiness, have you post-cured your parts in the sun or in a UVA chamber (like a UV nail lamp)?

The flexible resin is pliable and impact resistant and is not well suited for folding purposes. You can read more about what the resin is and is not suited for on our website.

Hi craig!

I am printing without supports, as I do not want to damage the model when removing the supports. But maybe I have to do it in order to have a nice model!

I tried with a UV lamp but the models have like a cured excess around the edges, probably due to uncured material adhered there.

Regarding the foldability. Does that mean I can’t bend the models without breaking them?

Does that mean I can’t bend the models without breaking them?

In short, yes. +1 to Craigs suggestion to read FL’s documentation on Flexible, they did a good job explaining the strengths and weaknesses of the material and suggest ways to use it correctly.

In my experience with Flexible you absolutely cannot use it for elongation or extreme bending (like folding). It is excellent in compression and works great for softening up interfaces (my test print for the flexible resin was a print of a lost foot for an Irwin quickclamp). When an object is flexed the tension caused by the deformation will likely use a layer line as a stress concentration and propagate a tear through the part.

If folding is a requirement for you look up 3DP assisted silicone molding. You can use your Form1+ to create either the positive master or potentially the mold.

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