Grey resin V4 fail


I recently decided to try the grey resin V4 for making prototypes and maquettes, and all my prints failed, I used a new tank, I tried different degree … I’m very very dissatisfied …

If your using the Form1+ you may get marginal results using the V3 material settings. Seems that the exposure settings for Form1 machines with the newer resins are either not properly tested OR Formlabs is phasing out supplies for the Form1 machines by engineering the materials ONLY for the Form2 machines that have a higher laser wattage.

I have been trying to get a hold of the settings used for Gray V3 so I can make the minor adjustments so prints are accurate and successful for the Form1 machines but seems Formlabs is unwillingly to reveal this info and expect me to work completely blindly from scratch using only the clear setting provided for the OpenFL at GitHub.

I can only assume this is a malicious disbandment by Formlabs to force owners of Form1 machines to upgrade. I can’t imagine why someone would want to engineer a resin to require more power to expose other than to create an obsolescence in lower wattage machines. Why would you want to increase exposure/print times no matter what machine?

Thank you Ken for your feedback, I use Form 2. It seems that many users have the same problem as me … I really waste my money on this resin …

If your using the F2 and your optics are clear, ie pdms, glass plate, mirrors. Then the exposure is simply wrong. Try a test with v3 setting and see if that remedies the issue as v3 seems to use a stronger exposure.


Those print failures look like optical path problems to me, otherwise you shouldn’t have problems like that printing Grey V4 on a Form 2. If it’s a new tank, maybe there’s dust or other contamination on your printer’s window. I wouldn’t hesitate to contact Support about this issue.

Thanks you for your feedbacks all. I haven’t check the Small-Galvo mirror yet I probably have some dust as you said
I have made a new print with new castable resin without any problem.

I printed an adhesion test I made that had 10mm d cylinders at 1mm high. One in each corner and one in the middle. 2 in back and middle printed and the fronts didn’t adhere at all. This led me to check the machines overall hardware for tolerances and found the build platform had variations probably due to the old rubber gasket between the aluminum plate and the frame. It was out a few thousandths so I brought it within .0001"
Next I checked the peel mechanism where the vat slides in and found it was out by over .040" so I adjusted the 1/4" nuts that have springs above them and brought that to within .0005".

I reprinted the test and all 5 cylinders came out all same thickness. Guess over time these things can go out of whack.

Next the people over at ApplyLabWorks made a material file for their black v2 resin and the prints come out nice and solid with superb detail. The resin settings that are typically used for gray 3 & 4 didn’t work well on my F1+. they are probably fine on an F2.

Below is the material file for those that use ALW resins on an F1+ machine (copy paste it into notepad and save with the extension .ini so you can load it into OpenFL

   d8888                   888          888               888      888       888                  888      
  d88888                   888          888               888      888   o   888                  888      
 d88P888                   888          888               888      888  d8b  888                  888      
d88P 888 88888b.  88888b.  888 888  888 888       8888b.  88888b.  888 d888b 888  .d88b.  888d888 888  888 

d88P 888 888 "88b 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 "88b 888 “88b 888d88888b888 d88"“88b 888P” 888 .88P
d88P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 88888P Y88888 888 888 888 888888K
d8888888888 888 d88P 888 d88P 888 Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 8888P Y8888 Y88…88P 888 888 “88b
d88P 888 88888P” 88888P” 888 "Y88888 88888888 “Y888888 88888P” 888P Y888 “Y88P” 888 888 888
888 888 888
888 888 Y8b d88P
888 888 “Y88P”

basexyfeedrate = 400 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
baselaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW used for the perimeter of the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
modelxyfeedrate = 600 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the model. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
modellaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of the model (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
supportxyfeedrate = 600 ; Laser speed in mm/s for the perimeter of the supports. (Faster than 800 mm/s may noticably reduce surface quality.)
supportlaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the perimeter of thesupports. (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)

SliceHeight = 0.05 ; The layer thickness in mm. For example 0.1 is 100 microns. Be aware that values not corresponding to whole z-motor microsteps (0.0025 mm) will be rounded.
ScanlineSpacing = 0.09 ; Spacing of fill lines in mm.
InnerBoundaryOffset = 0.12
OuterBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset from model perimeter to outermost outline in mm. Conceptually this is the curing radius of the outermost outline.
Xcorrectionfactor = 1.01 ; Scale factor for the x axis to account for shrinkage.
Ycorrectionfactor = 1.01 ; Scale factor for the y axis to account for shrinkage.
ScanlineBoundaryOffset = 0.03 ; Offset in mm from the innermost outline to the boundary of the fill. If this is zero, the fill touches the innermost outline; if this is positive it does not; if this is negative, the fill overlaps at least the inner outline.
OffsetsNum = 3 ; Number of outlines to draw. min: 0; max: unlimited

MaterialName = BKtest_0.05_0111_2

firstlayerpasses = 10 ; The number of laser passes to do for layer 0 to attach to the build platform.
otherlayerpasses = 1 ; The number of laser passes to do for most layers (typically 1).
earlylayerpasses = 2 ; The number of laser passes to do for early layers as defined by earlytimesexpose.

earlytimesexpose = 50 ; The number of layers that will be exposed earlylayerpasses times (excluding layer 0). That is, if earlytimesexpose is 3 and earlylayerpasses is 2, layer 0 will get firstlayerpasses passes, layer 1 and 2 will get 2 passes, and subsequent layers will get otherlayerpasses passes.
postlasercurewait = 1 ; Duration in seconds to wait from when the laser turns off until the motors start to move.
earlytimespeel = 22 ; The number of layers for which the p1 moves will be done. These are typically slower moves.
p1downvel = 1 ; Initial tilt speed in mm/s (at the tilt motor).
p1downmove = 10 ; Initial tilt distance in mm.
p1upvel = 4 ; Velocity of p1upmove in mm/s.
p1upmove = -10 ; Tilt up-move displacement in mm (should be negative).
p1upslowvel = 10 ; Velocity for p1upslowmove in mm/s.
p1upslowmove = -0.5 ; Additional up move in mm to overdrive into the hard stop. (Should be negative or zero.)
p2downvel = 1.5 ; Velocity of p2downmove in mm/s.
p2downmove = 7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, tilt distance in mm.
p2upvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upmove in mm/s.
p2upmove = -7.5 ; After earlytimespeel, un-tilt distance in mm. (should be negative.)
p2upslowvel = 10 ; Speed of p2upslowmove in mm/s.
p2upslowmove = -0.1 ; After earlytimespeel, overdrive distance into hard stop in mm. (Should be negative or zero.)
squishwaitmin_s = 0.25 ; Low end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.
squishwaitmax_s = 2 ; High end of the time in seconds we wait between finishing squishing and turning on the laser.

basexyfeedrate = 400 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the base (aka raft). (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
baselaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW used for filling the base (aka raft). (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
modelxyfeedrate = 750 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling the model. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
modellaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for the model. (max: 62 mW for Form 1+)
supportxyfeedrate = 750 ; Laser speed in mm/s used for filling supports. (Faster than about 1600 mm/s may produce noticable artifacts.)
supportlaserpowermw = 45 ; Laser power in mW for filling supports.

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