form1+ - since the new preform update and the new base structures my prints don't stick to the build platform

since the new preform update and the new base structures my prints don’t stick to the build platform anymore! I wanted to check for my offset of the platform which was always at minus 4 ! Now I can’t find a way to manipulate it again. should I somehow go back to a previous preform version???

With your printer connected, File: Printers; you should see your machine listed; click the down arrow; you should see fine tuning, restart last print and update firmware. As you know, it is under fine tuning.

The part that got me one day is I didn’t have my printer connected.


Thanks I was just impatient and busy :wink: The new update switched my settings to normal and its not a thing an update always does! Anyway I changed it back to - 4 and it works like before :wink:



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Well one thing is still weird! since the last preform version it does not save my offset settings! I have to set it again every time I open preform! I only noticed that after I got a failed print and nothing was attached to the build platform. By checkin the settings it was set back to zero.

I would submit a ticket. Something doesn’t sound right with that.

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