Hey everyone!
This is my first post here on the forums, but I have been enjoying all the awesome models and prints on here for a while now. I am just amazed at the Form One and what it can do. This is a group of really talented designers!
I wanted to share the progress on my entry for the Prototype to Product competition that Shapeways and FormLabs hosted. Renders of my entry can be viewed here: http://www.shapeways.com/model/2160351/dragon-rook-prototype.html?li=search-results&materialId=99
I used ZBrush to sculpt out the design (I love dynamesh and decimation master), then Modo to clean it up and make it print ready.
My local Makerspace has a Form One and I was able to have it printed out by them. The details are a little lost in the photos, I think it’s because they used the clear resin. I plan on priming it and doing an ink wash over that. I have never primed and painted a model before, so if anyone has any pointers I would really appreciate it!
I really like what FormLabs did in the new update of PreForm, giving the designer the ability to edit the supports, but I think for my next iteration of the print I am going to manually model in some supports so that it will sit flat on the build platform. Any suggestions on that front?
Sorry for the poor image quality. I took these pictures with my phone this morning. I was so excited I just wanted to post them. lol
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I will post my progress photos soon!