Disaster happened when try the Fun to do resin on open mode

basically the resin just sticks on the tank. I tried twice and ruined both my tanks. be careful.

but honestly speaking, the quality is not bad.

That’s one of the advantages of the Formlabs resin, since it’s fully tested, I don’t know of anyone else that does as well at getting the material settings dialed in correctly.

Most other resins cure much more quickly than the Formlabs resin, so you would need to use a material preset that uses less power, like Clear.

Hi ashtree,

The FunToDo F1+ series have been developed especially for the Form1 and the Form1+, not with the Form2 in mind.
The software settings are the same as the Formlabs. So Grey V01 for the F1+ Grey, Clear for the F1+ Clear.
Although we haven’t tested it on a Form2 and we therefore can’t recommend it, there are users who have tried working the F1+ Grey on their Form2 and are pleased with the results, especially the resolution. (see other threat)

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