Custom build platform has eliminated every issue I've had over the last two years

Hi Folks,
So back in October I mentioned I will be designing a custom platform to replace the many mods I have applied in my quest to print reliably and accurately with all resins.

I have fabricated my first Form1/Form1+ build platform prototype. My plan was to engineer a build platform allowing for plug-and-use without all the maintenance required in the pursuit of reliable happy printing.

The first models printed on the maiden voyage were simply gorgeous. I was very happy to have nailed-it with the first prototype. During the design phase I decided to also tackle the many annoyances I’ve experienced since my Kickstarter Form1 arrived in August 2013.

  1. First up, cleaning the entire build platform with IPA… I can now plop the entire build platform into a vat of IPA without worry of distorting or damaging the this custom build platform. Build platform is milled from 6061 T6 aluminum.

  2. Load up the resin tank for larger print jobs, have not measured how much I can preload the resin tray yet, but easily 300+ milliliters.

  3. No more headaches with resins or IPA leaking into the hollow within the standard build platform. There is no hollow, gasket or plastic to worry about on this custom build platform. All aluminum build platform.

  4. A precision fit onto the mounting adapter on the z tower. No more fidgeting to test for a sloppy platform to z-tower mount connection.

  5. Precise hardware height adjustments within the build platform at .100mm and .050mm increments to 1mm and beyond. Tilt the platform in any direction if that’s what I need. Greater z-offset configuration using hardware on this custom platform and/or the Preform software.

  6. Design, print and attach any type of handle which fits within the cover of the Form1/Form1+. Or, I can attach the standard Form1/Form1+ handle to this custom build platform.

  7. Platform is tilt-able to increase resin run-off from printed models and the build face into the resin tray.

  8. This **custom build platform is flat within .0004" (.010mm ) across the entire build face, and parallel to the z-axis platform mount.

Hmmm …there must be more, I’ll have to come back when they come to mind.

Thanks again @Seagull , for all the in-depth experiments and documentation which confirmed my suspicions, your early work really pushed me to halt the many modifications I had already implemented in a stock build platform, and proceed with fabricating this custom build platform prototype…kudos!

I’m now in the process of cleaning-up the prototype. It is currently at the stage of being usable with the above features, and my next task is to fine-tune the ease-of-use. If there is enough interest in this custom build platform I will expedite the prototype clean-up. At this time, this custom build platform has eliminated all the uncertainty attached when using a standard build platform. Finally, I’m able to print with confidence and no longer have to monitor the print process with one finger hovering over the cancel button.

cheers and good journeys,


Very interesting, have you calculated how much could cost this custom build platform if you were to offer it for sale? aprox? that would help people to say, I’m interested… it can be certainly something pretty interesting if affordable, and you should probably make one for the new model too.


@Victor_Wolansky , I’m thinking this custom build platform will be available at roughly $100.00US. I have performed the fabrication myself as I own a cnc mill. It’s an elegant design, and does not require complicated milling. I will perform a cost analysis asap, and I say “if there’s sufficient interest” because of bulk fabrication savings.


I’d be very interested.

Any photos? Call me curious and interested. Please keep my email address

I am all for innovation, and in all of our cases the DIY aspect. But if you are on to something, maybe the way is to license it to FormLabs and let them offer the item. Could you have thought about something they did not? Absolutely.

After a year of moderate use (weekends only) I STILL don’t know for SURE if everything will print well. There is always some doubt - which I find to be rather annoying. I have had much more success than failure, but can’t explain why 2 of the 5 prints of the same item right next to each other alternately failed. 3 good, 2 bad, every other one. That drives me crazy. If I only need 1 I print 3.

Yes - I have interest here for sure


@Bill_Lane , I will be posting photos once I clean-up the prototype. My custom platform will eliminate the doubt you experience, if you only need one…that’s all you need to print.

The photo shows the stock platform shipped with my Kickstarter reward Aug.04/2013. The only platform I’ve used since August 2013.

Heavily modified over the last 2 years. The 6 screws and fender washers offer varying degrees of flatness on the build face. The stock platform flatness changes with every peel, including the last peel of the print-job, minute changes in the peaks and valleys on the build face.

While prototyping the custom platform, I purposely adjusted the flatness of specific areas of the build face creating a fail for the model in that area. Loading up the build platform with 16 smaller models, I could control which model would fail, by adjusting the peak and valley heights of the build face using the mechanical adjuster mods shown in the photos.


I’m considering a beta test program for this custom build platform. I’m in Vancouver BC Canada. Pricing will be formulated once I receive a rough fabrication cost.

Maybe the model is a print-job you would normally print, or challenge the platform with a model you have experienced difficulty printing and want more reliable prints in the future.

Maybe you have given-up on the Form1/Form1+ and are ready to sell your printer and move-on to another available in the marketplace. I urge you to consider this custom platform, it will raise the value of your Form1/Form1+…whether you sell or continue using your Form1/Form1+.

I’ll be seeking Form1/Form1+ owners to test the build platform’s ease-of-use and are willing to provide feedback in one or many of the following…

Group 1 :
1a. standard resin - model to be width of build platform, varying z height to 1" and has curves and straight features
1b. castable resin - model to be width of build platform, varying z height to 1" and has curves and straight features
1c. flexible resin - model to be width of build platform, varying z height to 1" and has curves and straight features
1d. tough resin - model to be width of build platform, varying z height to 1" and has curves and straight features

Group 2 :
2a. standard resin - model to be whatever x-y size but more of a vertical print orientation and tall
2b. castable resin - model to be whatever x-y size but more of a vertical print orientation and tall
2c. flexible resin - model to be whatever x-y size but more of a vertical print orientation and tall
2d. tough resin - model to be whatever x-y size but more of a vertical print orientation and tall

If you have other suggestions please advise.


Update : The custom build platform prototype has been sent out for fabrication quotes.


Update : Fabrication quotes are trickling in, this custom build platform will be approximately $80.00USD

I am VERY interested!!

I figured you would chime in @Seagull , what took you so long? :sunglasses:

I mentioned earlier I would be posting pictures of a final prototype soon, life has gotten in the way along with the Christmas Season. I’m also disabled from a car accident a decade ago and suffer chronic pain daily, a few flare-ups have also delayed my progress. Rest assured I’ll be making the custom build platform available asap.

There’s a few methods to make the custom build platform available to all interested, it would be great to hear some feedback as to how everyone would like this platform made available:

  1. Gather orders and fabricate in bulk with larger quantities to attain the best possible price, there would likely be a long delay before dispatching the orders.

  2. Gather orders in smaller quantities and fabricate in batches, the price increases, but everyone would receive their order quicker.

  3. Make the platform specs and drawings available to those who would like to build their own custom build platform, a fee of approx $20.00.

Any other ideas?

Best regards,

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I’d vote for small quantities if I can get it sooner.

ok @Joshua_Herskovic , the price difference for smaller bulk quantities is around $15.00. I think I can keep the price just below $100.00US for smaller production runs, thereby shortening the wait.


smaller run

Sign me up. I’m interested.


Thanks @Victor_Wolansky, @Mark_Fisher233, @Bill_Lane, @Seagull, @Joshua_Herskovic, @Walter_Meremianin, @BryanHaven , for expressing your interest. We’re very close to the minimum order required to achieve the first price bracket of approximately $100.00US per unit.

A quick update…

I designed the custom build platform with emphasis on accuracy, reliability and repeatability. I’m in the final stage of designing for ease-of-use, this means how easily will the platform attach to the z-axis mount on the printer. This stage has consumed a huge block of my time, the extra effort will allow for many custom top-handle configurations…3D printable to save on the overall cost and shipping. I’m also including a 3D printable z-axis mount adapter, effectively reducing wear on the critical surfaces providing the flat and parallel needed for accurate and reliable printing.

This custom build platform will be available very soon!


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