Hello Form users!
I am here to share my experience with my form 2 and the support!
At first i was very happy with the support and yes i really had a lot of problems with my form 2. They were polite and everything, but after and after i found out, that they not as nice as i wished they would be. Until last week some very bad things happened!
I use 4 different resins. grey V3, Castable V2, clear and the bluecast resin in open mode and i absolutely love the resin. Last week i had my first failed prints after a while. I tryed and tryed but it got worse and worse and suddendly i saw: OH MY GOD, the pdms layer is getting loose. Indeed i was VERY lucky, because it allready was so loose, that the resin begant to run through the tank and i was only minutes away from getting the resin on my glas or even worse - into the printer. The shock was huge!
I started to talk to the support and they sayd, that they cant help, because i use 3rd party resin and so i have no support and refund. I was really shocked and curious, because i know really many persons that work with the bluecast resin and i had a BRANDNEW tank. How can that be. So i contacted the resin users i know and talked to them. No one had problems with…THE OLD TANKS but some, including gatto, one of the producers from the resin itself, reported, that this is a known problem for the NEW tanks they have. It seems they have a new PDMS layer which gets sometimes loose and especially with OTHER resins from formlabs, because the bluecast resin is not as agressive as the one from formlabs.
Now ALL my alarm bells were ringing. Why -
They make new PDMS layers in their tanks, have the problem on their site, blame bluecast and do not refund me my freshly new tanks which cost a lot of money! What the… No guys this is an absolutely no go! What would have happened if i got the resin in my printer??? Would that also have been my fault or bluecast fault and who would have payed that repair? I guess me, cause you would have argued the same way and that can NOT BE, when you guys make the faulty product! and THATS the reason why i am angry!
I again contacted the support and conftonted them with the things i found out. Here is the reply:
Natürlich kann ich sehr gut verstehen, dass es wehtut, wenn ein Harztank beschädigt ist und wenn man Harz verschwendet. Bitte beachte, dass aus technischen und logistischen Gründen nicht möglich ist, alle Produkte von Drittanbietern zu zertifizieren und zu testen. Formlabs kann in diesem Fall denn beschädigten Tank leider nicht ersetzen, da die Schäden im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendung eines Fremdharzes entstanden sind. Wenn ein Produkt eines Drittanbieters Deine Erwartungen nicht erfüllt, würde ich Dich bitten Dich direkt an dem Hersteller zu wenden.
Vielen Dank für Dein Verständnis.
which means in english: Of course i understand that it hurts when a resin tank gets damaged and resin is wasted. Please note that it is not possible for technical and logistic reasons to test and certify all the 3rd party resins. Formlabs can not replace the tank, because it was used with a 3rd party resin. when a product of a 3rd party resin does not fulfill your expectations, please contact the producer of the resin!
Thank you for your understanding!
???I allready contacted them. I confronted you with their answer!!! I am VERY satisfied with their resin and it even toped my expectations. Me and many others! It is PROOVEN that the error is on your side! So please - what is that for an answer? What are you talking about?
I added some pics. Some from my tank, from my print, from other users who used white resins and that were not that lucky and so on! Watch the forum and you find some threads regarding this problem!
Conclusion: Formlabs made a bad tank. Users get problems and this can also damage the printer seriously. They blame the resin producer for their problem and do not take the costs! Thats why i am angry - and i dont even talk about the other problems i had with this printer…
And the worst question of all, that has also not been answered is: What about the new tanks? Do we have now with all the tanks the problem and have to be affraid of this to happen? Have you replaced them with the old, reliable technique? NO answers!!!
Guys please comment! Tell me what you think! Is this normal for a 5000USD product? Shall we be upset and fight if we get treated like this or shall we just give in and say: hey - whats the problem.
I am usually a calm and patient person as some of you know, but this really made me angry!
This is the question when we have to ask: Is this a serious tool for production or just a 5000USD hobbists toy.
I for myself will invest now in a solidscape printer. When i calculate together what i have allready invested in the support with this printer and now producing jewelry on a sometimes very tight deadline, it would have been cheaper to let cast or have a better and more reliable printing system!
Probably i just should give in and tell myself i have learned my lesson!
I am curious for your answers!
Have a nice day everybody and i wish you more luck with your printer, than i had so far!