I’ve got a design project and the customer want this to be printed on my Formlabs 2, with grey resin.
If we had more time we would probably print it with Copperfilled PLA but time is short, and there will be no time for preprocessing an FDM print so the Form 2 will have to do some work!
The job contains of two parts, pretty similar in shape, I’ve made them hollow (otherwise it was like 62 hours printtime…) but I wonder if its ok to print it standing up with the bottom leveled to the buildplate… will this be a risk?`Should I rotate it a few degrees? Second problem is that my nail saloon UV Curing chamber will have a problem dealing with this but I guess I have to buy some tinfoil, cover a large box with it on the inside and then rotate the part alot…
Correct, the bottom is closed, like a cup!
If I rotate it 180 degrees I will get a lot of resin inside it which I need to scrape out after the print right?
And 9 degrees will result in a lot of internal supports? (which wouldnt be a big problem ofc… This will be a base for a sculpture so the capped “bottom” in this image will be facing upwards.
Can you upload the .form file? You’d mentioned that the model had been hollowed which might change the optimal orientation. Our model orientation video is a great place to start if you’re looking for general orientation tips.
Start with the way you oriented first, and then angle it so that one corner is the starting point, something like 30 degree angle should be fine.
You just don’t want to have a flat surface that is parallel to the build platform since that layer will not print well.
It rotate it by about 12º and add a drain hole at the very bottom. Hard to see from the picture, but the support structures look very sparse at the bottom. With walls this thick, you don’t want to push your luck with trying to reduce the touch point size or density.