Hey, all - I’ve had a Form 2 for the last week or so, and not had a single fully successful print. Print quality degraded across attempts; chunks of the first model were missing, only the supports printed the second time, then nothing was appearing on the build plate but flat ‘flakes’ of resin which partially peeled away.
My initial suspicion was that the laser may have been underexposing the resin - but support confirmed that it’s operating at full power. The optical window has been cleaned inside and out, there is no dust on the galvo or larger mirrors, and the build plate is cleaned between prints. I am now on my forth batch of fresh resin poured into a cleaned resin tank, and this is the most that I’ve managed to get out of the printer (Formlabs’ own test file): https://puu.sh/BIuA5/c28132bbe0.jpg
While Formlabs are being quite helpful, sending out fresh resin and a new tank, it’ll be a good week before they arrive and I wanted to get your impressions of what this issue could be. Given that everything appears to be functioning mechanically and optically, how likely is it that this is a resin issue, and not an issue with the printer itself?