Hi guys, So I had sent my printer back to get upgraded, and just received my Form1+ back a few days ago. Couldn’t wait to get started printing again.
I had two things ready to go straight away.
The first was a image i remembered seeing along time ago, and always wanted as a real object. A bust of Winston Churchill. I reached out to the artist Tomas Kral, and asked if he would share the model for me to print, he said yes, so thank you to him for sharing his great work. You can see the original sculpt and renders here - https://www.behance.net/gallery/5481189/Winston-Churchill - you must agree it is awesome.
So here is the final print I made -
As well as this I had a model of The Mega Tiger ready to print just as my old machine got sent back for update, so I have just finished printing and painting that too. Check him out -
Hope you enjoy, and hopefully more 3d prints coming soon.