We just acquired a form 4B after having a form 3B for some years.
Since our first print the printer has been making a very loud fan noise during the entire print time. Is this the expected behavior ?
Has anyone experienced the same issue ?
Thank you for your responses
Hi @clemlaplace,
Yes, this is normal. The Form 4B runs at significantly higher speeds with the new Print Engine compared to the Form 3B, and to maintain those speeds reliably, it generates more heat that needs to be actively dissipated. The fan runs throughout the print to regulate temperature and ensure consistent performance.
If you notice anything beyond what seems like standard airflow noise, feel free to reach out, but otherwise, this is expected behavior for the new print engine. I’ve found that building a ventilated enclosure is a nice and easy fix if noise is a big issue, some other users have showed their DIY and store-bought enclosure setups here on the forums.
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Understood, thank you for your response
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