I will be receiving a brand new replacement printer in the next few days and I am considering selling. I have several damaged tanks that need to be re-rubberised ( I have the material to do so) spare Plates and several litres of resin including B9 Cherry, Form Labs White, Clear and Grey (some open, some sealed). If there is anyone in the UK who might be interested leave your email details on this post and I will contact you off list.
I fully understand you and I’m thinking about doing the same right after receiving a second replacement.
(This time it’s been close to one month that I’m waiting for a single dignostic. Here is a picture, is there anything hard to understand to find that something is wrong with my printer!?)

Hi Jason (Newcastle?)
Your post says a lot mostly that which is written between the lines! My Form1 has not produced anything useable for the last week or so wasted nearly a whole bottle of grey with very similar output issues to Edouard’s images, just about to post to support, how has Formlabs support been?
Marc C Kickstarter backer