Troubled with lines appearing on walls

Hello everyone,

I printed this the other day and am pretty unhappy about the lines in the walls.
See photos attached.

The printer is Form 3+, the tank has only couple of small prints, as well as the resin so it cannot be worn out. I thoroughly clean the build plate after each print.

Any ideas?

I’d check the Z-axis lubrication

Thanks, the printer is one month old. Is it likely it needs new lubrication?

Ah it’s new then. Well… you’ve got nothing to lose to check lubrication too, even optically

I tried printing the model absolutely horizontally (compared to what Preform suggests) and the lines are slightly better. But far from good.

Hi @jonasgruska,

Thank you for reaching out. Based on the photos, there might be an issue with the resin tank despite it being relatively new. I would encourage you to get in touch with our Support Team for them to take a closer look.

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