Thin parts curl during cure

We are making electronic support parts with Tough2K on 3+. I have a batch of parts that looked great coming out of print/wash but curled during cure to the point most broke free from support at the touchpoints.
I’m curious, is there a lower temp or time that might be used for curing thinner parts?
Is this an issue of larger touchpoints needed?

Hi @rmckibben,

It sounds like the touchpoints might have been too small or too sparsely populated; you could always turn down the heat or turn it off entirely, but it would not give you the material properties that we have on our website if you do not follow the curing process directly as stated. Most resins don’t actually need the full cure process unless you are trying to get the specific material properties, and some folks even just sun-cure the parts.

If the warping issue persists, I would advise opening a Support Ticket so our team can take a look at the .form file and layout.

Is this supposed to be printed like this?


I too have struggled with warping of parts. Orientation during print makes a difference. Post a screengrab of PreForm showing how the part is positioned?

Needs to be there. It’s wonky but it’s component clearance. I agree regarding placement angle, wish they could be at higher angle. Had to set parts at 10deg or the pin holes (critical feature) don’t print well.

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