Hey everyone, I just got going with my form2 in January and have had mostly 100% success with my printing. Just recently however I’ve noticed a few interesting lines appearing in my prints. They are raised enough to be felt with my fingernail and only seem to appear one plane (the lines are not parallel to the bed though) of the piece: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6KcG82sqQ6tSzYyRG8xcE9BMkk
This next piece created the lines when printed tall, but did not create them when printed in a sideways orientation (as seen with supports).
The layer lines are running a complete different direction, so I am very confused about how they are appearing. I’ve read about model errors causing strange lines like this, but it seems if that was the case they would show up regardless of orientation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: just realized these lines appear on surfaces most parallel to the bed, so even though my models are highly sloped in orientation certain faces still face flat relative to the bed.
Looks like normal layer lines for 100 microns. Do the lines change if you choose a finer resolution? Printing parts like this near vertical will normally reduce this effect.
Thanks for the reply! Yes I have seen them at other resolutions as well, and I print most things almost totally vertically after seeing noticeable layer lines early on in my experiments.
Here is another model still on it’s supports. You can see here the layer lines parallel to the base are beautiful, no problem.
In this shot you can see these widely spaced ridges that are easily felt with the hand, and only appear on a certain faces of the model in the same plane, not parallel to the bed/layers.
If these aren’t layer lines, where do they come from? Perhaps this is a common artifact that I’ve only noticed with these particular models…? I noticed them after cleaning the optical window, but the artifacts are so uniform I can’t imagine that would be the cause.
EDIT: just realized these lines appear on surfaces most parallel to the bed, so even though my models are highly sloped in orientation certain faces still face flat relative to the bed.
I just don’t see anything unusual on these prints with the orientation used. Everything is parallel to the build platform.
You can see that the supports are printing ad a different layer height compared to the model which is normal.
One tip, you can save some cleanup time on small parts by relocating the supports from edges and corners into the flat areas of the model. They are much easier to clean off and there is less chance of breaking off a corner edge. Just be careful to capture the lowest points to avoid unsupported layers.