Should every model be placed at an angle?

I’ve seen all the videos of the form1 in progress, very interesting, I found none of them had been placed vertical or horizontal, in traditional 3d print, placing the print model parallel to the build platform can minimize the waste of the support material and avoid alias effect on vertical or horizontal plane surface, I don’t know why in the video all the models are printed at an angle, in that way support structures are longer and then waste more material, which are money too. I want to ask those who already got the machines, do you have to place every model at an angle? Is it possible to just place the model parallel to the build platform like what Makerbot does?

Covered in the help files it appears that it is “good practice” to do so.

Thank you for the link, I missed that!

I downloaded PreForm today to start learning it while I wait on my Form1 to arrive.  I was surprised at the lack of features within the software.  The controls weren’t very intuitive and I couldn’t find a way to rotate the model.  I assumed because they suggested that the model be placed at an angle that you could do it within PreForm, but unless I’m missing something, it doesn’t look like its possible.  Do you have to keep going back to your cad software to make adjustments and then re-importing the model?  Also, anyone have luck exporting from sketchup?  If so, what plugin are you using?

I suppose the Form software does look a little sparse at the moment but all the basic functions are there from what I can see.  More functionality is promised later but rotation is there currently in the software.  On the top menu bar the group of icons to the right hand side includes a rotate button which opens a rotation menu.  you can play with X, Y, & Z rotation to 2DP.  See the picture below . . . .

I don’t think there are plans to make this software too complex, just enough functionality to put your parts in position and print.  Anything else quiet rightly should be performed in your preferred drawing software.

Nigel is right, from the quick start guide…


Click the “rotate” icon to access model rotation tools. You have several options:

  • Plane-orientation: use the shaded cube icons to rotate your model. These flip your model along each axis
  • Axis orientation: rotate your model more precisely by typing in specific angles for each axis
  • Drag rotation: click anywhere on your screen and drag to rotate the model


**Form Tip: **Model rotation can greatly affect the success of your print. See " Preparing your model" for rotation and other software wisdom.

Awesome, thanks for letting me know!  Somehow I missed the quickstart guide and I don’t think I could find the info clicking on “Help” within the program.  I’ll take a look at it again.