Since my Form 3 has no OFF switch I was thinking of plugging it in a wi-fi enabled socket.
According to Formlabs:
"Formlabs SLA printers (Form 3 and later) are designed to be left powered on when not in use.
Ok but why?
I read it speeds up print startup since this keeps the resin at a closer temperature than the 30ºC or so required for printing. How much does it take to elevate resin temp by 10ºC? Is it then worth it?
Because: what about the disadvantages of Always On?
What about saving energy? On idle it consumes about 18 kWh per month
Also, isn’t there gonna be burn-in of the Home image on the LCD after a long time otherwise?
There might be some other reasons to turn it off-then-on sometimes too: like Double Printing Time or Firmware update LCD scare
What I am asking is, @Formlabs: Are there drawbacks in “altering” the printer by switching it off, by default? You know since the printer “is designed to be left powered-on”
I like my workaround otherwise, that way I can also remotely turn the printer on.
(I’m betting a remote Priming function might be added in the future)