Seriously: Why is the printer designed to be always on?

Since my Form 3 has no OFF switch I was thinking of plugging it in a wi-fi enabled socket.

According to Formlabs:
"Formlabs SLA printers (Form 3 and later) are designed to be left powered on when not in use.
Ok but why?
I read it speeds up print startup since this keeps the resin at a closer temperature than the 30ºC or so required for printing. How much does it take to elevate resin temp by 10ºC? Is it then worth it?

Because: what about the disadvantages of Always On?
What about saving energy? On idle it consumes about 18 kWh per month
Also, isn’t there gonna be burn-in of the Home image on the LCD after a long time otherwise?
There might be some other reasons to turn it off-then-on sometimes too: like Double Printing Time or Firmware update LCD scare

What I am asking is, @Formlabs: Are there drawbacks in “altering” the printer by switching it off, by default? You know since the printer “is designed to be left powered-on”

I like my workaround otherwise, that way I can also remotely turn the printer on.
(I’m betting a remote Priming function might be added in the future)


What I am asking is, @Formlabs: Are there drawbacks in “altering” the printer by switching it off, by default? You know since the printer “is designed to be left powered-on”

I regularly turn mine off at a power strip switch. No ill effect.

I sometimes go days or weeks without using it, keeping it on and using resin temperature as an excuse is a seriously daft design choice. Not everyone runs a printer farm operating 24/7.

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This is nice to hear. Mine would also be off for several days.
Some official comment would be really interesting though. To give peace of mind to everyone.

For some reason FormLabs seems loathe to comment officially here, about almost anything, and usually recommend that you contact the support team directly.

I agree, this is a frustration, our printers are powered through a back up (UPS) so you have to physically pull the plug out the back of the machine. The idea that it keeps the resin at a better temperature is a stretch, if its sitting idle isn’t the advice to remove the tank and keep it in its box?